selector Module

selector - WSGI handler delegation. (AKA routing.)

class selector.ByMethod

Bases: object

Base class for dispatching to method named by REQUEST_METHOD.

class selector.EnvironDispatcher(rules)

Bases: object

Dispatch based on list of rules.

exception selector.MappingFileError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised to signal a syntax error in a mapping file.

class selector.MiddlewareComposer(app, rules)

Bases: object

Compose middleware based on list of rules.

class selector.Naked

Bases: object

Naked object style dispatch base class.

exception selector.PathExpressionParserError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised to signal a syntax error in a path expression.

class selector.Selector(mappings=None, prefix='', parser=None, wrap=None, mapfile=None, consume_path=True)

Bases: object

WSGI middleware for URL paths and HTTP method based delegation.

add(path, method_dict=None, prefix=None, **http_methods)

Add a mapping.

HTTP methods can be specified in a dict or using key word args, but kwargs will override if both are given.

select(path, method)

Figure out which app to delegate to or send 404 or 405.

slurp(mappings, prefix=None, parser=None, wrap=None)

Slurp in a whole list (or any iterable) of mappings.

Mappings take the form of

slurp_file(filename, prefix=None, parser=None, wrap=None)

Read mappings from a simple text file. (See

static status404(environ, start_response)

Default WSGI 404 app.

static status405(environ, start_response)

Default WSGI 405 app.

class selector.SimpleParser(patterns=None)

Bases: object

Callable to turn path expressions into regexes with named groups.

SimpleParser()("/hello/{name}") == r"^\/hello\/(?P<name>[^\^.]+)$"

See for details.

default_pattern = 'chunk'
end = '}'
oend = ']'
ostart = '['
start = '{'

Set obj._exposed = True and return obj.

selector.method_not_allowed(environ, start_response)

Default WSGI 405 app.

selector.not_found(environ, start_response)

Default WSGI 404 app.


Decorate a bound wsgi callable taking args from wsgiorg.routing_args.

class App(object):
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response, arg1, arg2, foo='bar'):

Decorate an unbound wsgi callable taking args from wsgiorg.routing_args.

def app(environ, start_response, arg1, arg2, foo='bar'):